
About the Comic:

For The Love of Fairy! is a comic about the lives of two fairies who live together. That is the best description I can give it really. There is no solid story line nor significant purpose to this comic. It shall go where it wants to go whenever it feels like going there. As such, I shall be just as surprised as the readers with each new strip. I like surprises... don't you?

Why the lack of organization? Well, I've attempted to start heavily organized comics in past, only to have them collapse before I get around to drawing the first page. I came to the conclusion that organization was the enemy. I simply was thinking too much. Therefore, For The Love of Fairy! was born. So far it seems to work and I'm having fun with it.

That's it. Nothing special, really.

About the Creator:

To be honest, I really don't like to talk much about myself. As such, I'm going to leave this as brief as possible. I am a twenty-something male living in the U.S. I have an odd sense of humor (which is probably obvious in the comic) and I find small magical creatures to be amusing.

I can be reached at quietzephyrus@hotmail.com. Do add a subject line regarding to comic if you do send an e-mail. I tend to be trigger happy with the delete key. Praise, criticism, insults... they'll probably all amuse me.

Again, that's it. Still nothing special.

Of course, I could be wrong.