The first comic
Today's comic
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I could have probably split this into two three-panel comics, but I felt it would be better if 'twasn't split apart. If the situation comes up again, I probably shall do it in two comics. Anyway, the fight comes to an end. A bit short perhaps, but if I were to show every thrown punch and attack 'twould probably take me three months to show it all. I think I'd be fairly sick of drawing fighting fairies by then, so 'tis best to move the story along.

Most people in the U.S. who pay attention are aware the Waxman-Markey bill passed in the House of Representatives. Representative John Boehner of Ohio did a fantastic job combatting the bill during the debate prior to the vote, despite the whining of Representative Waxman of California regarding the amount of time Mr. Boehner was using and the sudden addition of about 300 pages to the bill on the day they were to vote upon it (I think it should be requirement that a vote on a bill be put off for a week to allow people to read such additions so that there are no surprises). Unfortunately, 'twasn't enough to stop the bill from passing. The vote was incredibly close, however. 219 for and 212 against... If four people would have gone against instead of for, the bill would have lost. Shall have to beat it in the Senate as President Obama shall definitely sign it into law if it reaches his desk. So start pestering your Senators. Let your friends and neighbors know they should be pestering the Senators as well. We are the ones with the power, not the politicians. Let us not let them forget that.

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