The first comic
Today's comic
Friday, July 17, 2009

First Friday update is successful. And the extra time to produce the second comic of the week is nice... though I suspect I'll probably be rushing again soon enough. And finally, Elspeth is out looking for a real job... or at least I think she is. Comic could always decide to change the script on me. It has changed it on me before.

I haven't mentioned much regarding the foolishness of my government lately... so I'm going to today. The unemployment rate continues to rise here (as well as in many other countries just as clueless as this one). The Obama administration shows no signs of trying any different tactics... seems they want to bury us as quickly as possible. Among the many horrible things they're doing right now, they're rushing to get their health care "reform" bill passed by early August, before Congress goes on vacation. Yeah... the country is falling apart and they get a vacation. At least they haven't taken as many as President Obama. The moron took more days off during his first month in office than most, if not all, presidents took during their first year in office. Anyway, this "reform" bill is a farce. Not only shall it destroy numerous health care related jobs (Let's save jobs by destroying jobs... Does that make any sense?), the federal government is going to end up with the ability to decide who gets treatment and what kind of treatment they'll get. In essence, they'll decide who lives and who dies. Now why would anyone trust a politician with medical issues? Last I checked, the vast majority of them are not physicians of any sort.

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