The first comic
Today's comic
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

One might look at today's comic and ask: "Why lamps?" Well, a clothing store wouldn't have made much sense with Moira's transformation a few strips ago, and a jewelery store just didn't seem like much fun. Lamps are common and unusual at the same time. After all, when is the last time you saw a lass become distracted by a selection of lamps?

A lot of other people have probably commented on this, so forgive me as I join them. President Obama gave a speech regarding the health care "reform" the "liberals" want to introduce (force would probably be a more accurate term) in the U.S. You can probably find a transcript of it online, but he uses the word "ineffective" while describing it. Now, the mindless Obama supporter would probably say this was just a minor slip of the tongue, but a person like myself who understands the true nature of this dreadful "reform" sees it as the only truthful thing he said during the speech. It shall not only be ineffective, it shall be incredibly harmful to the health care system and the U.S. economy. Granted, the health care system probably needs some tweaking, but we don't need to federal government to do it. More importantly, 'tis technically illegal for the federal government to do it ('Tis a direct violation of the tenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution).

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